Local Trend. Tax Utilities for Dedicated Local Transportation Funding.
City looking to impose a utility tax: Memphis
What utilities would the tax apply to? Memphis Light, Gas and Water bills and would operate like a stormwater tax
What would the tax be? range from $4.75 to $15
What is the projected local revenue? $30 million in revenue each year
Transportation projects to be funded? offset the costs of road projects and create a dedicated source of funding for Memphis Area Transit Authority
Memphis Flyer | City Council Looks to Implement Transportation Utility Fee
3 Reasons California Legislature Banned Local Soda Sugar Taxes
- The alternative, a constitutionally required super majority for tax increases, was a worse vote
- Initiative and Referrendum was utilized by industry as a way to get Legislative Action
- Instead of making the issue about a soda tax, it was messaged as an increase in all taxes and fees
Governing | Why California Lawmakers, Begrudgingly, Banned Soda Taxes
Legal TREND. 3rd Party Audits of Local Government Budgets
What is this all about? Austin’s proposed efficiency study ordinance
Why is the efficiency study an issue? “the current ballot language misleads voters into conceiving of the efficiency study as a net cost to Austin”
What does TPPF want? 3rd party audits of city budget and practices
TPPF Press Release on its brief
Local TREND. Local Bonds and bitcoin.
City: Berkeley
Why is Berekely interested in local bonds backed in bitcoin?
- “cryptobonds” can be issued in denominations as low as $5 or $10
- Its a way to Fund Seciton 8 housing, slashed by the federal government
Governing | Berkeley’s High Tech Gamble
Local TREND. Lost Revenue for Cities from Stadiums. The Number Crunchers.
University of Michigan professor Judith Grant Long work shows:
- $67 M in lost property tax revenue on a $350 million stadium over 30 years
- $53 million in lost revenue over 30 years for the city’s share of revenue from ticket surcharges, concessions and parking surcharges (often split with a team)
- + Costs generated from naming rights
- + costs generated from advertising revenue
Governing | Even When Teams Pay, Stadiums Still Aren’t Free for Cities (Looks at Austin, TX new MLS stadium and team)
TX Attorney General Opinion Request. Private Tax Collection.
Who is asking for an opinion? Hood County Attorney
What question does the Hood County Attorney want answered? Authority o f a county to refund penalties and interest paid by taxpayers to a private tax collection firm, upon proof that the county may have caused the confusion that led to the delinquencies.
What is happening in Hood County?
- Hood County contracted with Linebarger for collection
- Hood County received complaints
- Hood County moved all collections back to the County
- Hood County residents are “notice of delinquency from Linebarger”
Local Linebarger Attrorney pointed the County Attorney to 2 Tax Code provisions that require the fees:
- Section 3I.0l(g) “does not allow failure to receive a bill toform an excuse for nonpayment”
- 33.011 (d) “taxpayers may not seek awaiver o f penalties and interest once 181 days have elapsed since the tax became delinquent”
Those 2 code provisions are ripe for a HB or SB as Hood County thinks this is not fair to their taxpayers.
RQ-0244 -KP
Local TREND. Preemption of Local Street Vendor Laws. Read the Bill.
California’s SB 946 (2018 | CA) will:
- legalize street vendors statewide
- create a permitting system
- preempt local criminal ordinances against street vendors
- allows residential areas to restrict stationary vendors
The bill was messaged as:
What is the argument supporting the small business, street vendors?
The bill will override excessive local control over the streets and public spaces
Streetsblog Los Angeles | Bill Legalizing Sidewalk Vending Statewide Moves Through Legislature, Awaits Governor’s Signature
Anatomy of a Sharing Economy Association
The Association: Sharing Economy Association Taiwan
- Avis Budget Group and Zipcar
- AppWorks
- AsiaYo
- Jackercleaning
- GoGoVan
- Lalamove
- Uber
- Uber EATS
- WeMo
- Zipcar
- Zhong Yin Law Firm
- LCS & Partners Law Firm
- the Institute for Information Industry
Goal of the association: promoting a regulatory environment conducive to Taiwan’s innovative digital economy
Taiwan Business | Sharing Economy Association Launches in Taiwan
TX Attorney General Request. Home Rule Municipalities. Local Residential Homestead Property Tax Exemption.
Requesting the opinion: Chairman CHARLES SCHWERTNER
The questions he wants EXPEDITED:
- whether a home-rule municipality in Texas can legally adopt a residential homestead property tax exemption that provides for a minimum exemption amount greater than $5,000; and (2) whether an appraisal district or thief appraiser is legally authorized to disregard or modify a local residential homestead property tax exemption adopted by a local taxing unit.
Why? Cedar Park residents, in two different counties, will have a homestead exemption ordinance that is set to be implemented with two different minimum amounts, $5,000 and $10,000.
How did we get here? Travis County Central Appraisal District refuted the $10,000 exemption under the Tax Code Section 11.13(n) and said the exemption is $5000 and that state law does not allow $10,000.
SCHOOL FINANCE TREND. Poll on Tax Swap for School Choice. Apple Blossom State.
State: Michigan
Poll: ” 63% of likely voters support Michigan continuing to offer tax benefits to families who use a child’s 529 plan to pay for private school tuition”
Poll from: Mackinac Center
How do 529 plans pay for state tax breaks? Vew federal tax reform law allows 529 savings to be used for K-12 expenses. State law changes are necessary for state tax benefits
Mackinac Center | Poll: Mich. Voters Back Tax Benefits for School Choice
Local & Lege TREND. 3 Reasons Underfunding, Not Benefits = Rising Pension Costs
Who takes the position that underfunding is the reason for rising pension costs? Alicia H. Munnell is the director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
Why is underfunding of pensions causing the rising pension costs? (charts & graphs at link)
- Since 2001, the normal cost of benefits has remained unchanged
- Since 2001, benefits have declined
- Since 2001, employer contributions have declined
Do these numbers respond to something? Yes, Wall Street Journal Editorial on July 19, 2018
Market Watch | Opinion: Don’t confuse public pension cost with generosity
TX Attorney General Opinion. Local Governments. How to treat contractual assessments for property taxes
What question needs an answer by the Attorney General? Do contractual assessments imposed by local governments under the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act (“Act”) in chapter 399 of the Local Government Code are “special assessments by the local government and treated in a similar manner as the real estate taxes on the property.”
What is all that mumbojumbo? We’re talking about fees that come from the creation of local water and energy improvement programs in designated regions
What are local water and energy improvement programs? they exist to finance permanent improvements on privately owned commercial or industrial real property with 5+ dwelling units to decrease water or energy consumption or demand
So waht do we need to know to figure out how these assessments are treated under Texas Tax Code?
- Are they special assessments? yes, probably
- Then what did the Legislature do? TEX. Loe. Gov’T CODE§ 399.014 shows that these assessments were to be treate dlike real property taxes
KP-210 (2018)
TX Attorney General Opinion. Local Government Officers and School Employee Overlap
Home Rule City, Eagle Pass, wants to know whether City Council members who work for the school districtr can receive compensation for their city council service?
Attorney General Opinion KP-0211 says no. The Constitution prohibits. The only exception is teachers who may receive compensation for both.
But, a school counsel probably meets the 3 point test.
Local TREND. A local tax levy on top of a state marijuana tax. Anatomy of a Ballot Proposition.
Where: Half Moon Bay, Califoria
What is the Half Moon Bay Ballot Proposition?
- To levy a tax on businesses headquartered outside of Half Moon Bay that currently deliver cannabis in the city
- estimated to be $64,000 annually in tax revenue
- Establish a tax structure for all other commercial cannabis businesses that locate to Half Moon Bay
- estimated to be $700,000 to $1.5 million a year in tax revenue
- cultivation tax at $2 to $10 per canopy square foot depending on cultivation method
- retail tax 6%of gross receipts
- testing labs tax 2.5% of gross receipts
- distribution tax 3% of gross receipts
- manufacturing tax 4% of gross receipts
Are marijuana related businesses currently permitted in Half Moon Bay? No
Does the ballot proposition change that? No
The Daily Journal | Marijuana tax to November ballot
Anatomy of a Marijuana Tax. Key word: Underestimated.
State: Washington
How do the marijauna tax revenues look in Washington state:
- 1st year actual revenue: $64.9 million collected
- 1st year estimated revenue: $36.3 million
- most recent fiscal year: $314.8 million
How is marijuana taxed in Washington? 37% tax levy on all retail sales
How does WA spend its marijuana revenue?
- substance-abuse education and treatment programs
- $262 million in 2018 went to fund WA’s Medicaid
How does CO spend its marijuana tax revenue? dedicated largely to education
IS WA marijuna revenue expected to plateau? No. $75 Million in growth projected through 2021.
K5 News | Why marijuana tax money isn’t a Washington state budget fix
Lege TREND. Anatomy of a Constitutional Property Tax Fix. Property Owner Activists. Who. Where. What.
WHO | Activist Group: Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom
WHAT | Constitutional Property Tax Fix: 35% of local property taxes could be used to offset other state taxes. For Nebraska this could be the state’s income tax.
WHERE | Nebraska
The goal of Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom: to get the Legislature to act in 2019.
Freemont Tribune | New property tax relief petition drive set to begin
Local TREND. Flat rate local marijuana tax ballot proposition.
Where: Adelanto California
Background on Adelanto’s marijuana tax: In 2016 68% approved an up-to 5% levy on gross revenue receipts for all commercial marijuana businesses
The current tax brings in: $2- 2.5 million
What will the ballot proposition do to the marijuna tax structure?
- $5-per-square-foot tax for cultivators
- all other marijuana business 5% on gross receipts
Daily press | Adelanto to ask voters to simplify marijuna tax
Local TREND. Pension Bonds. 3 Points from Opponents in Chicago.
- City’s Credit Worthiness Could take a Hit. “a hard liability (pension bonds) over a soft liability it can be seen as increasing the risk to the city’s credit quality”
- 2003 failure repeat. Illinois issued $10 Billion in pension obligation bonds in 2003 with no help to funding ratios in the pension systems
- Manageable Contribution Schedule. Bonds must include a required manageable contribution schedule
Bond Buyer | Chicago’s case for issuing pension bonds.
3 Steps to Legalize Fantasy Sports without any Tax on Fantasy Sports Operators
- The Massachusettes Legislature passes a measure calling for interim rules for fantasy sports with a sunset provision to require legislation
- legislation fails to pass and the Legsislature removes the sunset provision
- Fantasy Sports Operators continue to operate under the interim rules that have no taxation requirements
The Salem News | Fantasy sports remain untaxed
Divestment TREND + Campaign Trend. Divest from Federal Government or its policies
Examples of calls for investments that relate to federal government actions:
- Pension Funds educators petitioned the California State Teachers’ Retirement System to divest from private prison operators that operate immigration detention centers
- All State Fund. New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli divested state funds from private prison contractors that operate immigration detention centers
- Politician’s Personal Divestment. Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois opponents are calling on his personal divestment from a private equity fund owned by a health care group servicing ICE detention centers
- University Contracts. University of Alabama at Birmingham, the University of Maryland College Park and Virginia Tech are being called upon to divest from ICE related contracts
Governing | Colleges, Cities and Pension Funds Pressured to Cut ICE Ties
What tax can texas cities impose by ordinance to avoid property tax increases?
A utility sales tax: Most Texas cities repealed their sales tax on utiltiies in the late 1970s: 141 Cities in Texas repealed their sales tax on utilities
How can this sales tax be implemented: Some say it can be revived by city ordinance
Where is it being considered? El Paso as an alternative to raising property tax revenues
KVIA | City of El Paso Considering a Sales tacx for utility services.
4 Points from TX Comptroller Glenn Hegar's "Dishonesty won’t fix property taxes"
In repsonse to a Trib Talk by Mike Collier, Texas Comptroller Hegar says:
- Clear and honest look at Texas finances can be accomplished awith a revenue estiamte not geared toward a legislative session
- Consider the state’s credit worthiness to avoid making property tax changes that impact a looming balance-sheet issue
- “Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick and members of the Legislature have worked to alleviate property taxes”
- The Office of the Comptroller does not raise or lower appraisals, it only “ensure[s] appraisals are fair and accurate”
Trib Talk | Texas Comptroller | Dishonesty won’t fix property taxes
New Study: 4 States, 3 Recommendations to Fix Property Tax Caps.
The Report: CBPP’s State Limits on Property Taxes Hamstring Local Services and Should Be Relaxed or Repealed
4 State property Tax Caps that were studied: Michigan, Massachusetts, Oregon and New York.
3 Reommendations on Property Tax Caps
- Remove Property Tax Caps
- Amend caps to read, ” limit the annual increase in property taxes to 1.5 or 2.5 percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is higher in lieu of whichever is lower.
- Include legislative” “circuit breakers,” which caps property taxes for people who make below a certain amount.”
Governing | The Downsides of Property Tax Caps
8 States that Stress Test their Pension Systems. 3 Reasons Stress Tests are Beneficial.
The states that require their pensions to be stress tested:
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Hawaii
- New Jersey
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
Benefits of Stress Testing:
- explore the impact of pension system reforms
- more robust look than current baseline analysis of past results and future assumptions
- “sync the long-term sustainability of their retirement systems with their overall fiscal health”
Pew Charitable Trusts | States Turn to New Tool to Sustain Pension System Funding
Anatomy of an Executive Order: Republican Legislature Imposes Tax to Punish 1 Business. Republican Governor Kills it with Executive Order.
State: Georgia
The tax passed by the Republican Legislature: a fuel surcharge on Delta airlines for removing a discount fare for NRA members
The Executive Order: July 30, 2018 Governor Deal
Background: Republican GOvenror Deal is not seeking re-election
Supportors of the Executive Order Say:
- Spurs growth in Georgia’s airline industry
- Georgia will remain competitive in the global economy
- allows Delta to invest additional flights into Georgia
Tampa bay Times | Georgia jet fuel tax halted, months after Delta, NRA fight
Anatomy of San Diego's University Stadium Deal
San Diego City Council will consider a new deal with the San Diego State University to use the SDCCU Stadium which will see the city receive:
- $1.1 million in revenue from the university annually
- City gets net parking and concession revenues (new to the city)
- The University will reimburse the city for game-day expenses
- City gets a $1 ticket surcharge
The staidum will continue to have an operating deficit of $4.4 Milion for 2019.
KPBNS | SDCCU Stadium Agreement Advances To San Diego City Council
San Diego Union Times | SDSU Aztecs face $1 million rent hike to play football in ex-Chargers stadium
TREND. Bitcoin to legitimize sports betting.
In June the US Supreme Court opened the door for legal sports betting in all states, pending state legislative approval.
Some jurisdictions, like India, are seeing a move for bitcoin to legitimize sports betting. How does that work?
- By allowing bitcoin as a legal currency for sports betting
Blockchain News & Tech | Could Sports Betting Help in Legitimizing Bitcoin in India?
Comparison of State Wine Taxes.
Which states have the highest wine taxes?
- Kentucky $3.47 per gallon
- Alaska $2.50
- Florida $2.25
- Iowa $1.75
- Alabama and New Mexico tied at $1.70
Which states have the lowest wine taxes?
- California and Texas at $0.20
- Wisconsin $0.25
- Kansas and New York $0.30
Do states add additional taxes to wine?
- Arkansas and Tennessee levy case fees
- Minnesota levies bottle fees
- standard bottles taxed at $0.01 per bottle
- miniature bottles taxed at $0.14 per bottle
Tax Foundation | How High Are Wine Taxes in Your State?
Lege TREND. Selling State Assets to Bolster Pensions.
State: Connecticut
Commission Exmaining Selling State Assets to Fund State Pensions: 13-member Pension Sustainability Commission
Pension Funding Proposal #1:
- Set up a state fund
- Funded by the sale of assets, like state real property
- The funds’ gains would shore up the pensions
Pension Funding Proposal #2:
- Dedicating state lottery proceeds to state pension
- Estiamted amount: $350 million in the current fiscal year
- Flaw: leaves a $350 million funding deficit in general revenue
Hartford Courant | New Commission Will Explore Selling State Assets To Shore Up Pension Funds
3 Reasons Stadiums are Costly to Cities. Hotel Motel Taxes Note Enough. See NFL + PGA.
Art Carden, an economics professor at Samford University’s Brock School of Business in Birmingham, AL, says:
- hotel revenue will not increase as much as cities think
- sales tax doesn’t make up for stadium costs
- looking at the Carolina PAnthers again, the increased sales tax revenue during games accounts for less than 2.5% of the debt service on the satdium
- Evenif events increase gross tax receipts, they do not produce net tax revenue increases
- 2017 PGA Championship cost Charlotte more in public safety related costs more than the increased hotel revenue
Forbes | Will A New Stadium Make Your City Richer?
5 Talking Points. One Term Pension Solution with Property Tax Cuts
In Illinois, a state representative proposes this plan to stablize pensions & lower property taxes:
- use the power of compound interest to help drive down massive pension costs
- level pension payments out over the next 25 years to reach funded status
- ensure that Illinois
- annual pension payment would never rise above $12 billion
- “As the additional pension payments decrease from the initial $2.4 billion, the remainder should be used to lower property taxes on a per-pupil basis”
State Journal Register | Guest View: How to Solve the Illinois pension crisis & dramatically lower property taxes
By the Numbers. Revenue from Legalized Marijuana in Pennsylvania + 2 Local Taxes
Pennsylvania State Auditor released the following estimates on revenue from legalized marijuana:
- 800,000 regular users with estimated per person spending of $2,100 a year
- retail market of $1.7 billion
- $581 Million in annual revenue for PA
- 56% of Pennsylvanias support legalization
- based on a tax on the growth, cultivation and sale of marijuana at 35%
- Allegheny and Philadelphia counties were allowed to add 1-2% local tax, they could collect an additional $3.8 million and $6.9 million
Cumberlink Sentinel | Auditor sees state tax windfall if marijuana is legalized
Lege TREND. +1 More State Special Session for Online Sales Tax Legislation. Live Free or Die + No Taxes.
New Hampshire joins the special session for online sales tax bill to consider a proposal that calls for:
- protecting New Hampshire businesses from taxes imposed in other states
- to tax a NH based business, the state would need approval from the state Attorney General
- NH does not impose a sales tax on the sale of tangible personal property
How many think NH opposes the Wayfair decision? Correct. You are Correct.
Bloomberg Tax | Sales Tax Slice: Bills, Bills, Bills as No-Sales Tax States Seek to Counter Wayfair with Legislation
Legal TREND. Is a local soda tax a form of double taxation?
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that Philadelphia Beverage Tax is not a double tax.
What does the Philadelphia Beverage Tax apply to? Any non-alcoholic beverage that contains “any form of caloric sugar-based sweetener” or “any form of artificial sugar substitute”
Why is the “soda tax” not a double tax? because the legal responsibility for the tax is on the distributor & not the consumer- even if the tax is passed through to the consumer
Forbes | Double Tax Argument Falls Flat As Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Soda Tax Legal
The Hill | Pennsylvania Supreme Court upholds Philadelphia soda ban
Lege TREND. Bill Adds Online Sales Tax. Grants Manufacturer Tax Breaks + Ends Online Sales Tax Agreements.
State: Utah
The legislation: In special session, the Utah Legislature passed HB 2003 (UT 2nd Special Session | 2018) and SB 2001 (UT 2nd special session | 2018)
What do the bills do?
- Ends agreements with collectors of online sales tax, like Airbnb and Amazon, that allowed the companies to retain up to 18% of their sales tax collections
- The online sales tax will only apply if the company does 200 sales or $100,000 in sales in UT
- Tax cuts for manufacturers to boost the state economy
US News & World Report | Utah Legislature Passes Requirement for Online Sales Tax
Lege TREND. Pension Administration Review. 3 Points for 2019 Review in Texas.
Background on pension administration in Texas:
- 24% increase in 2 years for top-paid 20 pension investment executives
- pension executive salaries & bonus exceed that of the Governor and agency heads
What 3 things did House Pension Chair Flynn point to in an interview?
- more to the picture than rising salaries within a debt-ridden system
- ” we have a responsibility to make sure these high salaries and these bonuses are justified.”
- that the salaires outpace those of the Govenror and agency heads caught his attention
Texas Monitor | High salaries for investment execs at pension funds may get close review
Lege TREND. Local Online Sales Taxes in Texas
Palestine Mayor Steve Presley says his city loses $900,000 per year on online sales.
What type of legislative change would be necessary for cities in texas to tax online sales?
- the collectiona nd distribtution of local sales taxes
The impact to consumers? An increase in costs for consumers
What does Mayor Presley want the online sales tax to fund? “street repairs and improvements, police officers and firefighters, equipment and vehicles”
Palestine Herald Press | Texas cities lobby for local online sales taxes
+1 State Proposition to Ban Local Taxes on Food and Soda. Gluten Tax Free.
Washington State voters in November will consider a ban on local grocery and soda taxes.
Who is supporting the measure in Washington State?
How far reaching will the ban be? The ban will apply to any taxes, fees or assessments on:
- meat
- poultry
- fish
- fruits
- vegetables
- grains
- bread
- milk
- cheese and other dairy products
- nonalcoholic beverages
- condiments
- spices
- cereals
- seasonings
- eggs
Herald Net | Ballot measure would ban local taxes on groceries and soda
State Eliminates School Sales Tax Holiday.
The Louisiana Legislature in 2018 eliminated its school sales tax holiday.
Louisiana established its tax holiday for back to school in 2007.
SCHOOL FINANCE TREND. Red State. Millionaires Tax.
State: Arizona
The school funding mechanism: The Invest in Education Act, initiative and referendum on the Novmeber ballot
The revenue source would be increases to Arizona’s income tax by:
- raising the rate from 4.5%to 8%for individuals making at least $250,000 and for families earning at least $500,000
- raising to 9% the tax rate for individuals making at least $500,000 and families making at least $1 million
The public education funding recipient: teacher pay raises & restoring full day kindergarten
12news | Education activists say Arizona is ripe for Invest in Education Act
Governing | The Week in Public Finance: The Red State That’s Considering a ‘Millionaire’s Tax’
Anatomy of the World's Largest Pension Fund 6.9% Return. 3 Investments.
The pension fund: Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund
Background:The Fund has had 6 quarters of gains
What investments are touted for the 6.9% annual return for Japan’s Government Investment Fund?
- doubled stock holdings, majority of its stock investments in strategies that track indexes
- 25% in domestic stocks
- 25% overseas stocks
- cut bonds
- Alternative assets accounted for 0.13% of holdings
The National | Japan’s pension fund posts best returns in three years
Local Trend.2 New Short Term Rental Fees.
Portland Oregon enacted 2 new fees on short term rentals:
- 2% fee on hosts who use booking agents to advertise or accept reservations
- $4-per-night fee assessed on booking agents and transient lodging intermediaries “for the privilege of facilitating a short-term rental occupancy.”
VRm Intel | Portland city council votes to collect new fees from short-term rentals.
Lege TREND. Short Term Rental Tax in the middle of Budget Fight. 2 Parts to the Tax.
New Jersey Leegislators are using a short term rental tax as abargaining chip with a Governor opposed to short term rental taxes.
Estimated annual revenue from the short term rental revenue in New Jersey: $250 million
How New Jersey Would tax Short Term rentals:
- expand sales tax
- apply the state’s 6.625% sales tax to r entals of fewer than 90 days would be taxed
NJ.com | Tax on shore rentals? I don’t like it, Phil Murphy says of Dem leaders’ key budget offer.
Politico | New Jersey Playbook | SWEENEY makes shore home tax counter-offer
4 Ways States Have Blocked Access to Government Records
- Kentucky Attorney Gnereal determiend that personal devices are excepted from open records laws
- Florida has 1,100 exemptions to its open records laws
- Iowa, Massachusetts and Oklahoma except legislative documents
- Charlotte County, FL lowered th enumber of requests by charging $50 for every request
Governing | See Public Records? Governments Are Making It Harder.
Lege TREND. Anatomy of a Statewide Soda Tax Ban Deal.
State: California
The legislation to prohibit soda/sugar taxes: AB 1838 (2018 | CA)
The compromise: A sunset provision. Prohibiting cities from passing sugar taxes would expire in 2031.
What was the incentive to compromise? Beverage industry & the Business Roundtable had enough signatures for a ballot initiative that would have prohibited tax increases without a 2/3 vote
Los Angeles Times | California Legislature nears deal to temporarily ban soda taxes
Sacramento Bee | California bans local soda taxes through 2030 to avert industry-backed initiative
Legal TREND -> Lege TREND. Foreshadowing New Daily Fantasy Sports Legislation
What’s happening? College and professional sports persons will argue in Indiana Supreme Court that consent must be obtained to use an athlete’s name and or likeness in Daly Fantasy Sports
Why does this matter? The practical issue is whether athletes should be paid to use their name.
IndyStar | FanDuel, DraftKings under microscope in state Supreme Court case being watched nationally
Pension TREND. Investment TREND. Empowering Trustees Social and Environmental Investments.
UK pension systems will require pension trustees to assess the social and environmental factors.
Why does this matter in the US? Social & Environmental Investing is on trend according to International Banker analysis and money managers are moving in that direction.
Out-law.com | Pension trustees to be given powers encouraging investment in environmental and social schemes
Be informed. What Texas gains from US Supreme Court Online Sales Tax Ruling
- The US Supreme Court Ruling allows states to apply a sales tax to retailers with no physical presence in the state
- Texas Comptroller estiamtes the loss of sales tax revenue to out of state retailers is $1.1 Billion annually
- Implementation will be a logistically challenging as sales tax rates and application vary greatly by state and locale
Go San Angelo | Texas could gain hundreds of millions after Supreme Court rules on taxing online purchases
Governing | The Week In Public Finance: Supreme Court Clears Way for States to Tax Online Sales
Revenue TREND. Comparing Daily Fantasy Sports Revenue v. Sports Betting Revenue
The revenue outlook in Pennsylvania for Daily Fantasy Sports v. Sports Betting:
- Daily Fantasy Sports monthly revenue to the state is roughly $200,000 per month
- Sports Betting would have a taxable rate of 41%
- estimates are $310 million annually from online sports betting
- first year revenue estimate is $150 – $200 million
Revenue TREND. Fantasy Sports Revenue in Pennsylvania. First Look at the Numbers
Pennsylvania’s first revenue reports from regulating fantasy sports show:
- first month of operation: $199,756 paid to the state
- Market dominated by the 2 major players
- 50.5% market share for FanDuel
- 47.5% market share for DraftKings
- the industry took in $12,430,588 in total fees from Pennsylvanian participants
Legal TREND. Court approves local sales tax increase to fund local pension in Sunshine State
Florida Court of Appeals upheld Jacksonville Florida’s 2016 half-cent sales-tax surcharge to shore up its police pension system.
News 4 JAX | Court upholds Jacksonville pension half-cent sales tax
Refreshing our recollection: informed:intel February 28, 2017
Jacksonville, Florida and its law enforcement officers are reaching a deal to solve its pension $2.7 billion liability crisis.
Here’s how the Jacksonville and police officer penion deal is shaking out:
- Voters approved a 1/2 cent sales tax increasre to go into effect in 2030
- The sales tax increase is triggered if andf only if officers agree to a fix
- 65% of law enforcement officers voted to approve 401Ks for new hires
- 82% of captains and lieutenants approved the 401Ks for new hires
- The 401K deal comes with a 3% bonus and a 20% across the board pay increase
- The 401K deal also includes a return of all cut benefits during the 2000 financial downturn
- The 401K deal includes a 25% contribution by the city
- Contribution rates of current pensions will increase from 8% to 10%
- The final step will be approval by rank and file officers in March
News 4 JAX | FOP membership approves mayor’s pension deal
Exempting Beer Production Machinery from Taxes + the Rule Making. Tax Free Beer Dreams
State: Idaho
Idaho’s Tax Exemption from local property tax on production equipment for: hop growers & producers
The legislation: House Bill 594 (2018 | ID) that ensure sthe agricultural equipment exemption from property tax includes hops equipment
Why HB 594? Some local communities wanted toi apply property taxes to hops dryers and other equipment
What’s happening with rule making? Fine tuning definitions of agricultural production, raw product and sellable good
Idaho Capital Ag Press | Idaho tax commission weighs hops equipment exemption
TRENDING. 7 unconventional and new state and local taxes
- head taxes
- based on the number of workers on a company’s payroll
- Denver has one
- parcel taxes
- flat tax on every landowner
- San Francisco & Manhattan each both enacted the tax in June 2018
- sugar taxes
- marijuana taxes
- Colorado collected $250 million in taxes and fees on weed
- developer taxes
- Philadelphia is considering a new tax on real estate developers
- tourist taxes
- includes restaurants, hotels, and short-term rentals
- sports betting taxes
Forbes | From Head Taxes To Parcel Taxes, Cities And States Are Looking For New Ways To Raise Revenue
4Points to Be Informed. NFL NBA MLB. sports betting legislation in the future of 37 states. Lobby Hiring bonanza.
- “integrity fees”
- supported by MLB and the NBA
- Up to 1%of all bets placed on games
- to pay for policing against game-fixing
- model legislation
- leagues want:
- veto over which types of bets could be allowed
- control over scores, player statistics and other data used by sportsbooks
- Other Stakeholders:
- gambling industry
- college athletic programs
- players’ unions
- service providers for gambling addicts
- Where to racetracks fall on the issue?
- Ingtegrity fees take the “lion’s share” of profits from sports betting
Governing | NBA and MLB Quietly Hustle States for Cut of Sports Betting Jackpot
Local Tax Trend. Tax Large Employers & Immediately Repeal Tax
A month after unanimously passing the head tax in Seattle, this week Seattle City Council voted 7-2 to repeal the tax.
A council member said that her vote to repeal was “counter to my values as a person.”
Texas Public Radio | Seattle Repeals Tax On Big Business After Opposition From Amazon, Starbucks
Refreshing our recollection on the employer head tax:
Seattle this week passed its “Amazon Tax” which taxes large employers per employee to fund housing crisis.
Which cities are next?
- An Apple Tax in Cupertino or Austin?
- A Google tax in Mountain View?
- A Tesla tax in Reno?
Which cities already have a head tax for large employers?
- San Jose CA
- Sunnyvale CA
- Redwood City CA
CNN | Will these California cities impose a ‘Google tax’ or an ‘Apple tax’?
Tax Foundation | Business Head Taxes Take Aim at Having “Too Many Good Jobs”
Open records TREND. Open Records. Local Government. State Governments. Hackers.
An Atlanta news station asked for public records related to Atlanta’s ransomware attack.
The city repsonse: No. Not going to happen.
Why is the city denying the open records request? ongoing investigation, ongoing security concerns
What do freedom of information experts say? The Freedom of Information Act does allow for exemptions during open investigations
CBS 46 | Atlanta officials deny requests for records amid cyber attack
Local TAX TREND. Local taxes to Fund Teachers.
City that passed a proposition for a parcel tax to fund higher teacher salaries: San Francisco
What rate is the parcel tax? annual $298 parcel tax to fund higher teacher salaries
What’s the parcel tax background?
- Idea came from a teacher union
- Estimated to generate $50 million a year
- Will boost teacher pay, add staffing at high-needs schools & improve technology
SF Gate | San Francisco passes ban on flavored tobacco; education parcel tax wins
Local TAX TREND. Tax Large Employers for Social Causes.
Seattle this week passed its “Amazon Tax” which taxes large employers per employee to fund housing crisis.
Which cities are next?
- An Apple Tax in Cupertino or Austin?
- A Google tax in Mountain View?
- A Tesla tax in Reno?
Which cities already have a head tax for large employers?
- San Jose CA
- Sunnyvale CA
- Redwood City CA
CNN | Will these California cities impose a ‘Google tax’ or an ‘Apple tax’?
Tax Foundation | Business Head Taxes Take Aim at Having “Too Many Good Jobs”
Lege TREND. Red State Cuts Taxes + Raises Sales Taxes. Anatomy of the "tax cut." 6 talking points.
Iowa Legislature passed the largest tax cut in state history.
Iowa’s Governor said the following 6 points about the tax cut:
- immediate and significant tax relief
- It’s simple
- It’s transparent
- It’s fair for Main Street
- Most importantly, it’s sustainable for our state budget
- fiscally responsible for the long-term … ensuring that we can fund our key priorities like education, health care and public safety,” she said.
What is the tax cut? An income tax cut
Where is the tax/revenue increase?
- sales tax for:
- online shopping
- digital purchases
- electronic games and entertainment
- travel sites
- subscription services
- ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft
SF 2417 (2018 | IA)
Governing | Iowa Governor Signs Largest Tax Cut in State’s History
Local TREND. State Preemption TREND. Business TREND. No Plastic Straws.
The cities that have banned plastic straws:
- New York City, Hawaii, and California have pending straw ban legislation.
- California: Alameda, Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Davis, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Oakland, Richmond, and Berkeley
- Washington: Seattle and Edmonds
- New Jersey: Monmouth Beach
- Florida: Miami Beach and Fort Myers
- Vancouver, BC
- Scotland
- Taiwan
- Prime Minister Theresa May announced a Britain-wide ban on the sale of plastic straws, stirrers, and plastic cotton swabs
The businesses that banned with plastic straws:
- Alaska Airlines
- Bon Appétit in all 1,000 of its cafes across 33 states, including locations like AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Getty Museum, Vassar College, Washington University in St. Louis, and the University of Portland in Oregon
- Queen Elizabeth II banned plastic straws and bottles from all royal estates, cafes, and gift shops
- Waitrose, London City Airport, McDonalds UK, and Costa Coffee
- Ryanair aims to be “plastic free” by 2023
- Marriott is implementing a straw ban at all 60 UK properties
Fast Company | Here are the U.S. cities that have banned plastic straws so far
Lege Trend. Requiring Local Law Enforcement to Report Asset Forfeiture Expenditures
State: Tennessee
The Bill: SB 1877 (2018 | TN )
What do local law enforcement have to disclose?
- requires comptroller to audit use of civil asset forfeiture proceeds by local law enforcement
- requires law enforceent to publish uses of forfeiture proceeds by department, including:
- overtime
- travel
- equipment
- court costs
- community programs
- other expenses
- the law enforcement disclsoures myst be on department’s website along with the audit
Local Trend. Anatomy of a Shared Value Approach to Economic Development. What 3 points does it match?
Portland, WA is using a shared values approach to economic development.
Shared Values means:
- inclusive entrepreneurship programs
- identification of career ladder opportunities for underrepresented populations
- diversity goals around hiring and training underrepresented populations
What does this mean for businesses that receive economic development funds? Companies find business opportunities in solving social problems
Brookings Institute | Evolving tax incentives: A shared value approach to economic development in Portland
Regulatory Trend. Taxing Cryptocurrency. 3 Key Regulatory points from Accountants.
What group is offering guidance on taxation of cryptocurrency? American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
To which taxing authority did the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, submit their guidance? IRS
What 3 pieces of guidance did the accountant group offer?
- the IRS hasn’t released guidance and its needed
- more and more taxpayers are engaging in cryptocurrency transactions and the transaction tracking gthrough documentation is a headache to track capital gains and losses
- set a reasonable manner for decalring fair market value determinations
What areas of crytocurrency taxation regulation do they seek clarification?
- gain and loss reporting
- expenses related to cryptocurrency mining, chain splits, air drops
Forbes | CPA Group Presses IRS For Clarity On Crypto Taxation
Lege TREND. Anatomy of Death of fantasy Sports Bill Post-Sports Betting US Supreme Court Ruling
State: North Carolina
Fantasy Sport Regulation Bill: HB279 (2017-2018 | NC)
What legislative moves happened after the US Supreme Court ruling legalizing sports betting?
- North Carolina House re-referred the bill from its substative committee, Finance, because the committee would act to remove the language that daily fantasy sports is not gambling
- HB 279 was then re-referred to the Judiciary Committee
- The author of HB 279 is stressing to the Judiciary Committee that Daily Fantasy Sports is not legalizing sports betting
How is the author of HB 279 responding to claims that Daily fantasy Sports is sports betting?
- “This just addresses the reality in this state,” Saine said. “Without it, it’s the wild, wild West.”
WRAL | Fantasy sports bill proves nightmarish for sponsors
+1 State Legislature Allowing for Cryptocurrency Payments to the State?
Arizona Senate Bill 1091 was vetoed by its Governor.
Senate Bill 1091 would have permitted tax payments to be made in cyrptocurrency.
Why was it vetoed? Concerns over impacts on private industry.
Veto Letter from Arizona Governor Ducey on SB 1091
Texas Attorney General Opinion Request. County Sales and Use tax to fund County Operations
Requestor: Chambers County
Which county departments would it like to fund with sales and use tax revenue?
Office of Emergency Management – including, but not limited to:
Maintenance and Operation
Capital Improvements and Equipment
Environmental Health Department- including, but not limited to:
Maintenance and Operation
Capital Improvements and Equipment
Mosquito Control – including, but not limited to:
Maintenance and Operation
Capital Improvements and Equipment including an Airplane
Animal Services – including but not limited to:
Maintenance and Capital Improvements
Capital Improvements and Equipment
RQ-0232-KP May 2018
New Report. 5 Problems with Texas Hotel Motel Tax. Who. What. Why.
The Report is by: Texas Public Policy Foundation
The issues it has with the hotel motel tax in Texas?
- the combined, state & local, rates are 15-17.5%
- discourages tourism
- “siphons” money from local businesses
- no accountability that the tax funds projects that increase tourism
The solutions:
- require reporting from organizations that receive hotel motel revenue
- link the reporting requirements to renewal of hotel motel funds for the recipient organizations
- if there is no return on invesgtment from hotel and motel funds, eliminate the grants
- cut or eliminate the hotel motel tax (limited government. low taxes)
Local TREND. Taxing Short Term Rentals to Fund Low Income Housing
city: Portland
proposed short term rental fee: $4 per night for guests + 2% fee for property owners
revenue projections from proposed short term rental fees & tax: $2.5 million to the city’s housing budget
KGW 8 | Portland’s Mayor wants to tax Airbnb, its competitors & hosts
Local Tax Trend. What is the HEAD TAX?
Where: Seattle
What is a head tax in Seattle? A $275 tax per employee for businesses like Amazon, Starbucks & Google that gross over $20 million a year
What will the tax fund? Programs to eliminate homelessness
Governing | Will Seattle’s Controversial Tax on Big Businesses Stunt Its Economy?
Local TREND. Counties Accepting Cryptocurrency for Tax Payments. Florida Edition. 4 Financial Benefits.
County: Seminole County, FL
The reasons Seminole County is accepting cryptocurrency:
- eliminates credit card processing fees
- improves payment accuracy
- improves payment transparency
- improves payment efficiency
Is there a procurement opportunity here? yes, Seminole County contracted with BitPay
The Seminole County Press Release May 2018
+1 State Credit Downgrade Due to Pension Liability. Quick Read the Facts:
Credit Rating Agency: S&P Global Ratings
Credit Rating Reduction: to A from A+
Statement on Credit Rating Reduction:
- “increased budgetary strain from rising costs associated with pension obligations,”
- “uneven budgetary management that has relied on expenditure cuts and weakened reserve levels during a period of economic expansion,”
- high level of fixed costs for its pension obligations and Medicaid are likely to remain such, further pressuring future budgets.”
State: Kentucky
Pension Libaility: total unfunded liabilities at $64 billion
Pensions & Investments | Kentucky’s pension obligations contribute to S&P credit rating downgrade
Regulatory TREND. Investment Control Trend at Major Pension Systems. More Internal. Less Outside Investment Management.
CALPERs is joining these 2 pension systms in seeking greater internal control over their investments:
- Texas Teacher Retirement System
- California Teacher Retirement System
What 3 Steps will CALPERS take to control investments?
- create multibillion-dollar funds to buy & hold private companies in the long term
- become the sole backer of funding vehicles for startups
- as much as $20 billion in new venture-capital in unlisted companies within 10 years
3 Benefits touted of moving investments to internally controlled holdings:
- Less fees paid out
- Greater chances of meeting benchmarks than current private equity investments
- Greater control
Wallstreet Journal | Calpers Considers Following Buffett’s Way
Local TREND. Revising Economic Development Incentive Requirements. Give Back More to Get More.
Where: Houston, TX
Why were the economic develpoment rules revised? An audit by the City Controller in March 2018
What did the controller audit reveal? need for more documentation, more procedures, more monitoring is needed
What changes were approved by city council in May 2018?
- good faith effort for 25% of new jobs are for low income communities
AP | Houston to Require Firms to Give More to Get Tax Breaks
Local TREND. Can Texas cities impose a soda tax?
City Attorney: Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi City Attorney opinion on whether Texas cities can impose a soda tax? No. No legislative authority for a local soda tax.
KRISTV.COM | Fact Check: Can Corpus Christi impose a “soda tax”?
SCHOOL FINANCE TREND. Anatomy of Educational Savings Accounts Moved into a Tax Bill in Red State
State: Indiana
The stand alone Educational Savings Account Bill: Would epxands 529 college savings plans to K-12 education. HB 1039 (2018 | IN)
The amendment to a tax bill:
- HB 1316 (2018 Special Session 1 | IN )
- A omnibus tax bill
- In a special session
- To get around the failed regular session bill
- The key text:
- Defines qualified K-12 education expenses”
- Tying the definition to 529 accounts
WBAA | Lawmakers Revive College Savings Plan Expansion In Key Tax Bill
Local TREND. Revenue Receipts for Soda Tax Exceed Estimates. the numbers:
The locality with a soda tax: Seattle
The Seattle soda tax: 1.75 cents per ounce tax on sugary beverages, syrups and concentrates
The revenue estimate: $3.7 million per quarter
The actual revenue recieved: For 2018 first qaurter, $4,082,015
Governing | Seattle Soda Tax Revenue Is Exceeding Projections.
State Legislative Impacts of US Supreme Court Legalized Sports Betting.
5: Number of states with statutes permitting sports betting in 2018
- Connecticut
- Mississippi
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- West Virginia
4: Number of States with statutes that permitted sports before 2018
- Delaware
- Montana
- Nevada
- Oregon
Moody’s Investors Service report: sports betting in Nevada is 2% of its gambling revenue
Governing | How the Sports Betting Ruling Will Impact State Budgets
Texas May Local Bond Election Results Comparison to Previous Years. Just Numbers. No Fluff.
May 2018 Local Bond Election:
- Approved: 62
- Defeated: 29
May 2017 Local Bond Election:
- Approved: 69
- Defeated: 28
May 2016 Local Bond Election:
- Approved: 82
- Defeated: 26
10 States. Top GDP Growth Details. Just the facts. No Fluff.
- Washington
- 4.4% growth
- e-commerce
- telecommunications
- software
- Colorado
- 3.6% growth
- oil and gas
- real estate
- Nevada
- 3.5% growth
- real estate
- durable goods manufacturing
- tourism
- Arizona
- Utah
- 3.1%
- professional, scientific and technical services
- technology
- California
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Massachusettes
- Texas
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Governing | States With the Top GDP Growth
Revenue Estimates vs. Revenue Reality. Marijuana Tax. Golden State.
What was the projected revenue from the California marijuana tax for 2018, January to March?
$175 Million
What was the actual tax revenue from the marijuana tax for January to March 2018?
$34 Million
Sacramento Bee | California’s marijuana tax collections lag below expectations
Lege TREND. Investment Income to Fund General Revenue in the Alpine Forget-Me-Not State
State: Alaska
The Legislation: Senate Bill 26 (2018 | AK)
What revenue funds Alaska’s Permanent Fund? The 40-year-old investment fund seeded with oil revenue
What does SB 26 do? Establishes a 5.25% cap on annual withdrawals from the fund
What policy statements are being made by legislators?
- State needs to balance its budget
- Need to address the state’s deficit
Anchorage Daily News | Alaska Legislature changes the way the Permanent Fund is managed
Local Trend. Lost Love for Stadium Building. 5 Reasons Cities Lost Stadium Fever
Anatomy of St. Louis’ lost love for stadiums. What impacted the city’s lost enthusiasm for stadiums?
- Bitterness. Departures of professional teams did not encourage enthusiasm
- Contracts. St. Louis’ stadium contract kepot the city on the hook for the costs of keeping the stadium in the top 25 of the nation.
- Improvement costs exceeded the cost of building a new stadium
- Populism. Cities “see team owners benefiting from luxury suites and other high-price add-ons that increase the team’s valuation and put more money in owners’ pockets.”
- Economics. The economic benefits of professional sports teams has been discredited
- Local Revenues. Tight city budgets
Governing | How Cities Fell Out of Love With Sports Stadiums
7 Ways State & Local Pension Funds = Most Powerful State Voice on WallStreet
7 Ways that Pension systems in California directly impacted WallStreet:
CALPERS, The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, has:
- Led the campaign to unseat the head of the New York Stock Exchange because of his “runaway” compensation
- Led the charge against Disney Chairman Michael Eisner’s governance problems
- Directly resulted in 3 board resignations/removals due to governance failures at JPMorgan Chase & Co
- Fought a 3 year abattle to give Apple shareholders input in board elections
- IN 2014 it began divestment from Hedge Funds
Los Angeles County Employees’ Retirement Assn. fought successfully to:
- “destagger” many corporate board to improve baord accountability so that more than 1/3 of board seats were at risk at one time
University of California Regents and the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System in 2003 brought fraud charges against Enron.
Where do California’s pensions find their strength? With a Size that “dwarfs” Texas & Claifornia pensions’ stock holdings are collectively & centrally managed.
Los Angeles Times | California’s most powerful voice on Wall Street? Its pensions
5 States for Business. What CEOs say about the Top 5.
- Texas #1
- Location, location, location, especially DFW
- Access to Mexico and NAFTA trade
- Florida #2
- Orlando’s advanced manufacturing & access to qualified engineers
- Indiana #5
- low corporate income tax
- reasonable regulations
- right to work,
- global-caliber talent
- growing workforce
- affordable costs
- Colorado #8
- living environment
- health innovation ecosystem (healthtech)
- Alabama #17
- ever-expanding cast of automaker and suppliers
- aerospace manufacturing
- low cost of living
Chief Executive | Five States To Watch: Texas, Florida, Indiana, Colorado And Alabama
Lege TREND. Reduce Bonds for Pension Deficits.
State: Alaska
The bill: SB 97 (AK | 2018)
What limits does Alaska’s Senate Bill 97 put on pension bonds?
- Reduces from $5 billion to $1.5 billion the amount of onds the state can sell to reduce pension liability
- In Alaska, the Legislature must approve the pension deficit bonds
Was this a compromise bill? yes, some wanted NO pension bonds
Alaska Public Media | Legislature limits bonds for pensions, but keeps them as potential tool
3 Ways Cities are utilizing Ride Share Tax Revenue. 3 Reasons States Permit it.
Some states with statewide transportation network (ride share) laws permit cities to impose taxes because:
- cities face the cost of street maintenance from ride share
- cities face the cost of ride share vehicle traffic
- cities face the cost of registering ride share drivers
3 Ways Cities are utilizing ride share tax revenues:
- Chicago is fixing its subways
- New York City also wants to put ride share tax revenue to subway improvements
- Philadelphia is using it for its public schools
Rivard Report | Texas Cities Losing Out on Tax Revenue from Sharing Economy
Open Records Ruling in Texas: Economic Development Details Subject to Disclosure. 4 Key Points
Which economic development project? Denton Enterprise Airport
What details were subject to release? That a code named economic develpoment project concerned Amazon Air
Why was Amazon Air disclosed as the code name proejct? A ruling on an Open Records request by the Texas Attorney General said the company’s name isn’t protectable under Open Records Laws
What do we know about Amazon Air?
- 40 cargo planes
- 1/2 of the cargo planes are based at its freight delivery service hub at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Regional Airport
- operates at 15 other airports around the country, including 3 Texas airpoorts:
- DFW International Airport
- George Bush Intercontinental Airport
- Lackland Air Force Base
What was the impetus for the open records request?
- precedent
- establishing that not every business prospect is confidential
Dallas Morning News | Open records request forces Denton to reveal Amazon Air’s interest in airport
3 Pros & 3 Cons from the Hotel/Motel vs. AirBnB brouhaha over Voluntary Collection Agreements
The American Hotel and Lodging Association is calling for ” consistency and a level playing field” as to taxation. In this brouhaha, each side is saying these things:
The American Hotel and Lodging Association says:
- Airbnb is strong-arming local governments in secret meetings
- Airbnb is getting favorable tax deals
- unfair to hotels and motels and to the public
Airbnb says:
- multiple websites post the voluntary tax agreements with local governments
- these voluntary agreements allow for the collection of tax revenue that the law in the jurisdiction may not allow the collection of
- Airbnb has paid 1/2 a billion in taxes through these agreements and the Hotel Lodging Assocition is chaning its tune and still complaining
Texas Public Radio | Hotel Association Attacks Airbnb On ‘Secret Tax Deals’
SCHOOL FINANCE. Lege TREND. Bill Fund Schools via Pot. 2 points to be informed.
State: Colorado
The bill: Colorado’s HB18-1070 (2018)
How Colorado’s HB18-1070 funds schools with revenue from marijuana:
- Dedicates $35 million+ per year to grants for school construction projects
- The bill is a correction to overly conservative school construction program set asides when the marijuana tax was passed
The Daily Sentinel | Bill gives pot money to schools
SCHOOL FINANCE. 3 Arguments Against New Gambling. 3 State Gambling Failures. Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission.
The Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission is pointing to Oklahoma, Pennsylvania & Illinois as failures for using gmabling revenue to help public education.
The reasons suggested to oppose gambling revenue to fund public education:
- Gambling revenue is unreliable, ineffective
- Increases in crime, addiction, domestic violence and suicide
- Texas history is to pass gambling initiatives to supplement public education revenue, but in actuality the gmabling revenue replaces other state funds with no net benefit to public education
Baptist Standard | Voices: Gambling expansion won’t solve education emergency in Texas
Lege TREND begets Legal TREND. Fantasy Sports Bills. Lobbying Efforts Counter Legal Efforts.
Court: Indiana Supreme Court
The certified question from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals before the Indiana Supreme Court: Whether online fantasy-sports operators that condition entry on payment, and distribute cash prizes, need the consent of players whose names, pictures, and statistics are used in the contests, in advertising the contests, or both.
What does this mean for regualtors and legislators? Some say that Daily fantasy Sports operators, companies which are partially owned by certain sports leagues, “are simultaneously making legal arguments in the ongoing court case that may run counter to the specific lobbying points being made by their part-owners.”
Lege TREND. Fantasy Sports Fails to Pass. Anatomy of a Bill in the Pink Lady Slipper Flower State
State: Minnesota
The Fantasy Sports Legalization Bill:
the Vote: 48-74.
- Two years ago the vote was 100+ in favor
- The 48 ayes: 37 Republicans
- The 74 nayes: About 50/50 Republican/Democrat
3 reasons why the vote failed?
- fantasy sports regulatory problems in other states
- fantasy sports lawsuits
- insufficient regualtory structure:
“The corruption and fraud accusations for this industry are everywhere and we are not sufficiently providing protection to Minnesotans who choose to bet on daily sports gambling entities,” Rep. Jim Davnie said.
Fox 9 | Bill to legalize fantasy sports gambling fails in Minnesota House
Minnesota Pulic Radio | Fantasy sports bill meets ugly reality of defeat
Pension Funding Number That's Catching Attention: $1.4 Trillion. 4 Background Points.U.S. state pension funding gap rises to $1.4 trillion in 2016: Pew
$1.4 Trillion is the total funding deficit for U.S. state public pension systems.
What’ the $1.4 trillion background?
- Based on 2016 pension data
- Represents an increase of $300 Billion from 2015
- The deficit is the diffrence of $2.6 trillion in assets & total pension liabilities of $4 trillion
- The increase also reflects a shift down in the assumed rate of investment returns by state pension systems
Reuters | U.S. state pension funding gap rises to $1.4 trillion in 2016: Pew
3 Step Legislative Plan for Sports Betting in the Magnolia State
Louisiana is considering legalizing sports gambling, with a favorbale ruling from the US Supreme Court in 2018.
Lousiana’s SB 266 would require 3 steps to legalize sports betting at any location that currently has gambling operations:
(1) US Supreme Court favorble ruling in the New Jersey sports betting case
(2) The Lousiana bill has be enacted
(3) Local Voters must approve allowing sports betting at any parish location that currently permits gambling
The Legislative impetus:
- revenue
- “We need to legalize it, regulate it, tax it,” said Rep. Kirk Talbot, R-River Ridge, who sponsored the fantasy sports bill.
Times Picayune | Louisiana considers sports gambling, but there are no proposals on how to tax it yet
Local Government Contracting TREND. 8 Local Contracting Strategies You Will See.
Harvard Kennedy School’s Government Performance Lab has produced new book, the new Results-Driven Contracting Solutions Book.
The book offers 8 startegies for local government contracting. Here’s where to begin:
- COMMUNICATE. Clearly lay out goals and/or problems to be solved
- WORK WITH AND NOT AGAINST YOUR CONTRACTORS. Design the procurement to align contractor interests with achieving those goals.
- NO HELICOPTER PARENTING BY CITIES PLEASE. Provide direction without being overly prescriptive.
- ENCOURAGE COMPETITION. Engage the marketplace to understand vendor capabilities and leverage competition.
- CONTRACT MANAGEMENT. Track progress toward contract goals.
- INCENTIVIZE. Consider tying payment to performance.
- LEARN FROM YOUR CONTRACTING EXPERIENCES. Use performance data to make future procurement decisions and manage ongoing contracts.
- THINK BROADLY. Strategically manage all key procurements and contracts.
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